RESPECT EACH OTHER. Alpha Gamma Rho is a house that values not only accomplishment, but also loyalty, honesty, and camaraderie, striving "to make better men" not only as individuals but as a brotherhood. So respect, nurture, and look after each other.

YOU ARE NOT TO TARNISH ALPHA GAMMA RHO'S NAME OR THE NAMES OF ITS MEMBERS IN ANY WAY. You are given the freedom to do what you want to have fun or enjoy, but do not get caught doing anything illegal.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO KEEP AT LEAST A GPA OF 2.5 TO REMAIN IN THE HOUSE. If you feel you are in trouble, do not hesitate to bring this up immediately.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ALL AGR FUNCTIONS, MEETINGS, AND EVENTS. If you are unable to do so, you must inform one of your house officers. Members that purposefully miss house functions can risk getting removed from the house.

RESPECT ZETA TAU ALPHA, OUR SISTER SORORITY. Do not cross the boundary between friendliness and harassment.

UNDERAGED DRINKING IS FORBIDDEN. If you are caught supplying alcohol to underaged members, you may be punished as well and risk getting kicked out.

CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF. The cleanliness and upkeep of the house (bathrooms, the lounge, and kitchen) is the responsibility of every individual in residence.
